Offline Gurukula

Empowering the Next Generation with Wisdom

5 to 10 Years

  • Entirely Online Mode of operation of Gurukul.
  • On Weekdays (Monday to Friday) classes are of 1 hour and 1 hour 30 minutes on week ends.
  • We cover teachings from Bhagavad Gita , Ramayan and Mahabharata in the curriculum
  • Gurukul aims to encourage creativity and skills by conducting regular activities and competitions of :
    – cooking, paitining, stitching,
    – instruments training (Harmonium, Drums, Cymbals)
    – singing (Prayers , Bhajans)
  • Students develop a deep bond and love for their Sanskriti through this course, which helps them throughout their lives.

11 to 15 Years

  • Entirely Online Mode, 1h weekdays, 1h30m on weekends.
  • Syllabus for juniors + more about serious spiritual practices
  • Spiritual Competitions also amongst students.

16+ Years

  • Online Beginners Gita Course : 2 Months.
  • After this, One Trip to Sri Dham Vrindavan.
  • After that Offline / Online Gurukul facility for 18+ years.
  • Students in our Offline Gurukul take part in multiple activities such as :
    – Daily meditational practices and worship of the deities.
    – Studying Vedic scriptures such as Bhagavad Gita, and Bhagavat Purana.
    – Memorising Sanskrit Shlokas.
    – Training for conducting Bhagavad Gita Sessions / Workshops & Camps
    – Managerial trainings are also given to the students, enabling them to manage big big projects (even construction of buildings!) and events (such as multi day long camps!) with ease.
  • Development of divine virtues, and character of truthfulness, sharing, love and helping others.
  • Our graduates are now working in many big big multinational companies such as Google, Microsoft, Adobe, and many of them are now in Civil Services.
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