prasadam Distribution

Nourishing Bodies and Souls

We at ISKCON Kurukshetra have a vision that who so ever comes to our temple he must not go without having Prasadam, the sanctitied spiritual food. To fullfill that currently we already distribute more that 3000 plates of prasadam for free everyday. But that is not the end, our daily average visitor count is more than 7000 visitors which increases by several folds during festivals.
To serve sanctified food to everyone who comes to our temple we need your help. Your any contribution will keep this food distribution alive.

Our founder acharya Srila Prabhupada also desired the same, infact he desired that in 10 miles of the temple radius no one should remain without the Prasadam. Everyone should get sufficient prasadam.
To achieve this we require heavy aaparatus, mega Kitchen, vessels, chefs, grains, vegetables, dahls, dairy products all these can be maintained if we get your generous support.

So grab your opportunity to do Ann daan seva in Kurukshetra dhama today.

Donate Prasadam for 11 people

₹ 1,100

Donate Prasadam for 101 people

₹ 10,100

Donate Prasadam for 201 people

₹ 20,100

Donate Prasadam for 501 people

₹ 50,100

Amount of your choice

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